Digital transformation involves vision, strategy, people, processes, and technology. A digital university continuously exploits digital technologies to both create new sources of value for the university communities and increase operational agility for digital operational excellence. Academic libraries have the expertise and mindset of being early adopters of new technologies to perform activities such as digital curation, digital preservation, digital archiving etc. Hence, the role of academic libraries in the digital transformation of the universities becomes central. Only those universities that stay relevant and leverage the power of digital and put in place focused digital transformation will survive in the digital era. Indeed, libraries should act as a platform for digital transformation. Learning Commons, digital education centres, digital scholarship Centres, Information Commons have revolutionised teaching & learning. Digital technologies are changing the way research is conducted. Digital capabilities are the key enabler of university digital transformation through the competent digital workforce.
At .aca we are working Koha Library Management System which is one of the world’s best open source Library management system. It is used by over 6,000 + academic, public and special libraries across the world. Koha is a fully featured library management system, highly configurable and scalable to meet the needs of acadeemic libraries of all types and sizes. It is feature rich, modern and user friendly, suitable for Arabic and Kurdish recorrds as well.
The .aca provides Koha services in Middle East which generally supports
- Acquisitions, Circulation, Cataloging, Serials Management
- Authorities, Flexible reports, Barcode printing
- Library user management and card printing
- Powerful searching Enhanced catalogue display using content from Amazon, Google,
- Library Thing, Open Library, Synthetics.
- Standards such as MARC 21, UNIMARC, z39.50, SRU/SW, SIP2, SIP/NCIP
- Email and SMS overdue notices
- Multilingual support
- Koha can work in consortia, multi-branch or single-branch mode
We provide Koha services and support:
- Koha installation and configuration.
- OPAC customization.
- Third party integration such as RFID, E-library and Payment gateway.
- Training on all modules for both librarian and administration staff.
- Various Report generation.
- Regular updates and upgrade to your Koha system as new release come.
- Finding you hosting services for your Koha
- Extensive hands on experience in migrating library catalog records, patrons and circulation records.
Please to open a discussion on your project please contact us.